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Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

1. Inviting contributions

This journal is published with the aim of promoting research on manipulative physical therapyl and contributing to the development of knowledge and technology of manipulative physical therapy. All contributions to be published in this journal should be based on research contents presented in Asian Confederation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapy congress. We publish original papers and clinical reports in this journal.

2. Application requirements

Only researchers who made a presentation in the Asian Confederation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapy congress are entitled to be lead authors. Based on a decision made by directors of Japanese Academy of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapy, we may ask non-member authors to submit a contribution.

3. Contribution eligible for submission

Only original papers are eligible for submission. It should be noted that their contents were neither published nor scheduled to be published in other journals.

4. Volume and format of contribution

It is mandatory to write a contribution in English in no more than 4000 words. Authors should follow the format specified in the attached sheet and put title, author name, facility name, and three keywords without fail. A contribution should be between four and six A4-sized pages.

5. Contents and arrangements of contribution

Every contribution should, in principal, start with introduction that is followed by subject, method, results, analysis, and references in this order.

It should be written in block letters in a colloquial style, and should follow modern kana orthography. Figures should be Arabic numerals, and unit should comply with the International System of Units (SI). For example, use meter for length, kilogram for mass, s for time, ℃ for temperature, and Hz for frequency.

Put cited references at the end of the text in accordance with the order of the citation. Use such format as 〇〇 1), 〇〇 1)3), and 〇〇 1-3) to put superior numbers on the right shoulder of cited parts. As a rule, use short names mentioned in “Index Medicus” in case of English journals to write short names of journals.

If a cited reference has more than three authors, write first two authors and use et al. for other authors. To write details of cited references, write title, name of journal, volume (issue), first article and last article, and year of publication in this order in the case of journal, and write name of author, title, name of the book (name of editor), name of publisher, name of the place of publication, year of publication, and article in this order in the case of book.

Examples of writing details of a journal
1) Hulme JB Bach BW, et al : Communication between physicians and physical therapists
Phys Ther 68(1): 26-31, 1988.

Examples of writing details of a book
1) Kaltenborn FM. Manual Mobilization of the Joints. Vol 1. 5th ed. Minneapolis, Minn: OPTA, 1999, pp102-104.

6. Exhibit and table

As a rule, title all exhibits and tables, and put an explanation as needed.

7. Submission of a contribution

We accept contributions sent to us by e-mail on a priority basis. If you cannot send your contribution by e-mail because it contains voluminous amount of exhibits and tables, send your contribution by means of such recording media as CD-R and flash memory to the executive office. Please note that the copyright of your contribution belongs to Japan Academy of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapy.

8. Adoption

Directors of Japan Academy of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapy and reviewers of Lifelong Learning Committee decide whether or not to adopt a submitted contribution. Depending on the editing technique, we may ask part of the submitted contribution to be modified.

9. Others

As a rule, we do not return a submitted contribution once it is published. Adopted contributions are published for free. If you have any questions, please contact the executive office.

Executive office
Japan Academy of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapy

Kitasakamachi 967 Higashi Ohmi-shi
Shiga Prefecture, 527-0145, Japan
Email: info@jaompt.com
